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What Is The Main Reason For Hair Fall: The 10 Most Common Causes?

What Is The Main Reason For Hair Fall: Indeed, hair problems like hair fall, hair loss, and thinning hair affect both sexes, but men are more likely to experience hair fall or hair loss than women. Hair fall happens for several reasons, like seasonal hair fall due to changes in season, pregnancy, lack of nutrients, etc. However, when you observe significantly more hair fall than usual, it could be a symptom of hair loss.

Hair fall is devastating, and it can occur to men or women. It can be a result of hormonal change or hereditary hair loss when you age. Whatever, but you should figure out what causes you to shed more hair than normal. In this article, we have mentioned the common causes of hair loss seen by dermatologists. Let’s start.

What Is The Main Reason For Hair Fall?

hair fall

What Is Hair Loss?

The medical term for hair loss is alopecia. It is believed that hair loss is more common in men than in women, but it’s not true. More than half of women experience excessive hair fall that results in long-term hair loss or permanent hair loss. So, before getting into the article, we will explore the signs of hair loss.

Symptoms of hair loss

  • a bald spot that widens over time.
  • Receding hairline.
  • Clear hairline/edges.
  • Hair thinning.
  • hair on hair bands, pillows, towels, etc.

The Most Common Causes of Hair Loss

Here are some common (or not-so-common) reasons for hair fall. It can be simple, temporary to the extreme, or complex, but you should know it.

Stressful Life

You never notice, but one of the biggest reasons for hair fall is a stressful life. If you see more hair on the pillow, hair falling out when you comb, or hair strands on clothes, it may be due to stress. It is an extremely terrifying experience when you are afraid of brushing your hair because it comes out easily.

The hair falls out because stress seems to appear after 2-3 months of emotional or physical stress. At this time, the hare fall is at its peak. However, it will. Back to normal after 6–9 months Over time, when your body adjusts itself, your hair cycle will work normally as it was before excess hair shedding. Preventing stress is the best way to reduce stress-induced hair fall.

Lack of nutrients

Telogen effluvium is a common type of hair shedding that occurs slower and remains longer. It has been a long-term hair fall, for over 6 months. It can occur due to nutritional deficiency. According to dermatologists, the possible reason for this type of hair loss is low levels of essential vitamins and minerals.

The deficiency of iron, zinc, e vitamin, D vitamin, and biotin is linked with hair loss. You can reduce hair shedding due to nutritional deficiency by taking vitamin supplements. However, do not over-use the supplements because high levels of the above-mentioned nutrients can also be a reason.

Change in Hormones

Oftentimes, hormonal changes can affect the hair cycle. In women, menopause, PCOS, and CAH can lead to hair loss. These conditions increase androgen levels and tend to lose more hair. Female pattern baldness is a negative effect of taking oral contraceptive pills. Hair loss occurs easily when your hormones change dramatically. Pregnancy, childbirth, and hypothyroidism are the other main causes. The common signs of hormonal changes are acne, irregular periods, or hair growth.

In most cases, the severity of these causes can be reduced by using effective treatment. Your hair loss will be reversed once you take proper treatment.

Age Factor

It is a very common reason for hair shedding. Almost everyone loses hair or has thin hair as they age. Cells grow and die at all ages, but as we grow older, our cells die more easily than they grow. Additionally, our scalp produces less oil at this age, which makes our hair weak and prone to damage easily. Some people also experience baldness or pattern baldness. All these factors contribute to hair loss in men and women.


Genes play an important role in hair loss. Genetical hair loss is also known as hereditary hair loss or androgenetic alopecia. You often see that this type of hair loss is inherited from your mom. However, researchers show that several genes affect hair loss. This type of hair shedding starts in adulthood and progresses with age.

In the United States, there are 50 million men and 30 million women experiencing pattern hair loss. Genes affect the hair follicles and increase the androgen hormone. When you divide your hair, you will see a visible scalp or hairline. In this case, women may benefit from using minoxidil to restore their hair.

Autoimmune Disorder

The autoimmune disorder could lead to hair fall because it triggers the healthy hair follicles and makes them weak and fall out easily. This form of hair loss is called alopecia areata. Dermatologists link alopecia areata with high stress. You may have noticed a cluster of missing eyelashes, space between eyebrows, a patch on your scalp, etc.

In simple words, this condition appears as one or multiple coin-sized hairless patches, either on the scalp, eyebrows, or beard, or it can affect hair on the body. The best thing is that your hair follicles are still alive and they will regrow over time. There is no cure to get back to normal hair growth, but most people use an injection of cortisone for a speedy recovery.


If you are suffering from hair fall or hair loss, don’t panic because it is not the solution. You should take a deep breath, and the very first action should be a meeting with board-certified dermatologists. However, hair fall can also be cured at home with proven hair remedies and hair supplements can also be helpful.

When you notice a handful of hair, you need to find out the cause of hair shedding. The reasons range from mental or physical stress to illness or improper diet. Once you know the cause, getting treatment will become easier. In extreme cases, hair loss has no cure. Therefore, it’s better to take treatment in the early stages of hair fall.

Lucille Gracia

Hey, I’m Lucille C. Garcia and I created as an information source for Hair Loss Treatment, Supplement Reviews, Tips and Remedies…

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