Hair Solutions Blog
How to Grow Hair Faster and Thicker

How to Grow Hair Faster and Thicker in 2023?

How to Grow Hair Faster and Thicker? – Hair is known as the black treasure of any human body; thus, it is essential to keep your hair healthy and clean, as it reflects your inner personality, confidence level, and self-esteem. We frequently see male models walking down runways and flaunting their stylish hair, whereas many men who suffer from hair loss must hide behind an artificial hair wig or cap, which is a heartbreaking situation for anyone.

But if you are cautious enough, You can save your hair from premature failing and weakening. You just have to take intense care of your hair health and you will be blessed with a flamboyant hairline over your head!

How? The answer lies in this post. To know, keep reading this article!

How To Grow Hair Faster And Thicker Naturally?

How To Grow Hair Faster And Thicker


Therefore, you must check the background of every hair product or solution you are using. It may be harmful or unauthentic, which is seen or promoted in TV commercials for the sake of money and marketing!

Hairs are precious and no one wants to lose them easily! Therefore, you must keep your eyes and ears open to what you see and hear!

Here are some general hair care routines that you can follow at a basic level!

  • Always do an oil massage on your hair a day before washing it.
  • Always use a great hair serum from a good brand.
  • Check the conditioner ingredients you are applying.
  • Avoid oily foods and too much spicy food to keep your hair active.

Don’t drink too much alcohol and smoke cigarettes because:

According to a survey, it was found that drinking excessive alcohol can cause hair loss in seven different ways, such as:

It will lead to many nutrient deficiencies, like:

  • Loss of iron.
  • Losses in Zinc and Copper.
  • Protein loss.
  • Hypothyroidism can cause permanent hair loss.
  • It will deprive your body of essential nutrients, which are also required by hair for their proper growth.
  • It will lead to poor sleep, which will result in a headache and a high stress level, which again increases the effect of telogen effluvium.
  • It will lead to incomplete absorption of nutrition, which doesn’t help with proper circulation of essential elements inside the body.
  • Drinking alcohol results in dehydration of our body, which directly affects our hair follicles because water contains many essential nutritional values which are helpful for activation of hair growing cells.
  • Alcohol raises blood sugar levels, which is a major cause of male pattern baldness.
  • Alcohol also affects the male sex hormones. It will contribute to excessive production of estrogen, which again hinders the growth of hair because the follicles will be pushed into a resting phase.

Now, How does smoking cause hair loss?

We often come across an ad written Smoking is injurious to health at the start of any movie, but we often ignore that message when we indulge in smoking!

We understand that it causes a heavy effect on our lungs and hearts, but how can it affect our hair? Let’s talk about this in detail:

  • Cigarettes contain nicotine, a very harmful element that causes hair follicle shrinkage and blood vessel blockage.
  • Smoking stops the proper blood circulation inside your hair follicles, which results in heavy oil production in your hair roots, causing excessive dandruff problems in your hair.
  • Smoking releases cotinine, a harmful element which gets directly deposited over the shaft of your hair and increases the PH level, which results in hair fall problems.
  • Also, the carcinogenic elements present in smoke block the air circulation inside our hair follicles and reduce the formation of hair protein inside our body.

What is the bad hair care routine?

In the same way that the above hair care manners reflect our tendency to provide a protective shield for our hair, in a similar context, there are also some bad hair care routines that highly affect our hair in a very negative way. Some of such habits are mentioned below:

Drying our hair with a dryer

We often use a dryer to dry our hair, but you know how badly it can affect your hair growth? The hair due to the continuous use of a dryer can become weak and spilt ends may be seen.

Harshly rubbing our hair with a towel

This is again the worst habit of drying hair with a towel. Rubbing it harshly without any gentleness can give you more broken hairs.

We’re screeching our hair with our nails.

Many girls always use their sharp nails to screech their hair, but by doing this they are destroying the many hair cells, which is really horrible!

Using a dirty comb in our hair

We often have a tendency to use a dirty comb, which has accumulated various dirt due to its regular use, which not only germinates several germs but can also damage our hair.

Washing hair with hot water

Hair washing is good, but what kind of water you are using really makes a difference! Never use hot water because it will shrink your hair follicles.

Other bad hair habits are given below:

  • Wrongly detangling your hair roots.
  • Apply shampoo to your roots.
  • Using conditioners on your hair and scalp.
  • Using flat irons on a daily basis.
  • Running comb on wet hair.
  • Tightly secured ponytails.

How can I make my hair grow faster and thicker with home remedies?

When it comes to hair, we need to be very attentive and active to follow up with the most effective ways to grow hair naturally and faster. Here are some common tips that you can apply to your daily routine:

  • Stay hydrated: This is the mantra for keeping your hair and skin healthy.
  • Eat Amla or drink Amla juice to complete the requirement of vitamin C in your body, because vitamin C makes most of the hair growth requirements inside your hair.
  • Drink green juice to keep your hair healthy.

Juice from aloe vera and spinach is high in iron, and iron is a key component in hair growth, so it is essential to consume.

Perform a hot massage.

Always heat the oil before applying it to your hair, because massaging improves the blood circulation inside your hair roots.

Use onion juice or lemon juice.

You can mix onion juice and lemon juice in your oil and apply it to your hair a day before rinsing it. It will increase the length of your hair.

Essential oil

If you want to change your oil, use a combination of oils like tree oil, rosemary oil, olive oil, etc., which gives strength to your weak hair.

How to Grow Hair Faster and Thicker – Conclusion

Hair growth

Using a simple and basic haircare routine can solve your problem. How do you make hair grow faster and thicker? But the other important thing is to change your unhealthy routine and switch towards a healthier one! You can also use some better hair products like Hair Vokse and Revifol, which can be a great option as your hair fall rescue supplements.


Lucille Gracia

Hey, I’m Lucille C. Garcia and I created as an information source for Hair Loss Treatment, Supplement Reviews, Tips and Remedies…

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